giovedì 17 giugno 2010

Love Stockholm 2010, that is Such a pretty house and such a pretty garden

Long time I don't write here. In the meanwhile a few things happened:

- I run a Marathon
- I went to Italy
- I met the Woman of my life (for all the others: don't worry, I don't believe there is only one Woman-of-my-life)
- I've spent a lot of time thinking about the next travel to do without reaching any solution. So now I stop thinking to let the solution to easily come out.

But the most important fact is the following. While running around Brunnsviken I realized somebody changed my usual running path. I mean, it has not been possible anymore to run the old one because a fence has been built around a big house in the middle of a huge garden.
Moreover while running I then realized that Stockholm is fulfilled with the words "Love Stockholm 2010". Do the politician want everybody to have free sex? It could be, but however the reason is that the princess is going to get married. So here is the stream of my thoughts:

- The princess is getting married
- The princess is going to live in the house I've been running around
- The princess needs, of course, a big garden
- Every garden needs a gardener. A big garden needs more than one
- The princess needs, of course, a big garden to be happy

Good luck, my dear Prince!
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